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Leveraging Storytelling for Brand Positioning

In this month of May, EBH AFRICA began a learning series for African entrepreneurs to get solutions to entrepreneurship challenges in Africa, and we call it the Business Catalyst Forum.

We had the first session on the 11th of May, featuring Seyi Olaniyan, founder Yellowlyfe, an experience-focused brand, who shared lessons on the topic 'Leveraging Storytelling for Brand Positioning'.

According to Widen Enterprises, brand storytelling uses narratives to create an emotional, value-driven connection between your customers and your brand. The most powerful stories are authentic and connect back to [what] your brand values.

And we learnt just that - the art and power of storytelling - at this month's Business Catalyst Forum.

Here are some key takeaways from the session:

1. What is your why? Why are you telling the story?

Here you need to know what you picture you would be portraying to the audience - your brand's consistency and authenticity, knowing your audience, communicating the problem you solve, building your character, and connecting with your community.

2. Have a compelling story

No one can help you with storytelling for your brand as much as you can, so your brand story should be mind catching and entertaining.

3. Put yourself in your readers' shoes.

Storytelling is what makes your prospective clients/customer make a stop at your brand or not. Stories are memorable and we remember what we feel, so you should think about your customer while telling your story

Overall, the session was an inspiring one that highlighted the importance of brands and the stories they tell. By showcasing your uniqueness, through your stories, you can achieve growth and build a great company identity that customers want to reckon with.

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